Tenancy Fraud Case Study

The successful prosecution relating to a sublet of a two-bedroom tenancy for at least 6 years. 

The sublet came to light in 2015 when the Police were called due to the tenant (Miss X) trying to illegally evict her sub tenant for non-payment of rent. The sub-tenants were interviewed, and it was established that they had being paying the tenant rent for six years. 

The case was brought to court in 2018 and following a jury trial Miss X was found guilty of 4 offences contrary to the Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Act and given a suspended sentence of 18 months, she resigned from her job as a nurse whilst subject to disciplinary action. 

Lewisham Council then took action under the Proceeds of Crime Act to recover the loss to the Council. This requires an accredited Financial Investigator to act on behalf of the Council. 

The court made an order of confiscation of £8,974 relating to the unlawful profit she had made by the sublet and a further order of £21k as compensation to the council. 

So far Miss X has repaid £8,974 but is having to sell her house in order to repay the £21k.

Pinnacle Group